Thursday, November 01, 2007

Once again, what matters?

What is the ultimate goal of being a Christian? Is it so we can "fill a void in our hearts"? Is is so we can "have our best life now"? No. Neither. The ultimate goal is spending eternity with our Father in Heaven. Jesus Christ made this possible by taking our place of eternal punishment, nailing it to a cross, dying, raising from the dead, ascending to heaven and ruling as Lord and King. The Lord is not willing that any should perish and go off to everlating hell. Not just separation from God, as most modern evangelists put it; ever-lasting-hell. Because of your sin you will be shut out of heaven and cast into hell, unless you repent and put your trust in Jesus. It's not about wearing nice clothes to church, having a blessed life on earth, having emotionally healthy spirituality or all that garbage; it's about being saved from wrath! It's about loving God with all your heart for being so loving as to give you a way to escape hell. Turn to Him today, surrender your life and follow Jesus. Read your Bible and pray every day.

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