Sunday, January 20, 2008

Give Thanks!

Give thanks to the Lord.

1 Thesselonians 5:18, "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."

In all circumstances and situations give thanks unto the Lord, for His steadfast love endures forever. Don't blame God for the bad stuff. All bad stuff, like sickness, disease, fights, wars, death, come as a result of human sin and the curse it brought upon the earth. Even vegetation and animals suffer because of sin. Before sin there were no thorns, thistles, or weeds and animals didn't eat one another. God is the source of life and light. In the book of James we read, "ever good gift and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the the Father of lights". This is the verse that I read when my son James was born. He is a life, he is my son, he is a gift from God, a good and perfect gift.

The breath you breathe, the reason you woke up this morning, the heartbeat that just pumped, the food that you ate, the water you drank, the clothes you are wearing, the vehicle you drive; you don't DESERVE any of these things. These are conveniences and blessings from our heavenly Father. They could all be gone tomorrow, and you could be going to the bathroom outside and wiping with leaves, building a shelter out of sticks with a thatched roof and mud, digging up roots to eat for dinner, going without a shower because you don't have running water, or you could loose your health, your money, etc.

Give thanks to God, for this is His will and desire for your life.

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