Monday, July 27, 2009


Christian prayer is communication with God the Father, and is best exemplified in the prayer our Lord Jesus Christ gave us, the Lord’s Prayer. We should glorify God in our hearts and minds first, we should seek out His kingdom, and pray that His will be done in our life, just as it would be done in heaven. Then we should offer our petitions to God, and also ask forgiveness of our sins, since we do sin daily against His Divine Majesty. We should seek His protection in our daily life against sin in our own lives and from the attacks of the evil one. We should also remember that to God alone belongs all glory and honor.

I practice Morning and Evening Prayer as it is in the 1928 Book of Common Prayer (USA), but that is not all that I do. I have three children; two boys and one daughter. I pray with them every day, utilizing the Lord’s Prayer, and the Apostle’s Creed, always leaving room for our own personal petitions and concerns. My oldest son, James, (7 years), keeps a prayer journal, and he is quite a boy of prayer, that I know, with God’s help, will grow to be a man of prayer. I am also teaching my children that written prayers are for our learning, and teach us how to pray, and for what we should pray. They do know that they can, and should, speak to God from their hearts.

Overall, prayer is a constant relationship with God that should be carried out all day. I converse with God while at my day job, on the drive home, and many times being consciously unaware that I am praying to Him. A good book I read a couple years ago called The Practice of the Presence of God, by Brother Lawrence, was a good example of living a life of prayer/relationship with God. God can be glorified in the kitchen in one’s heart just as much as He can in the liturgy of the Church.

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